Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gran Turismo for the PSP Fails to Impress Game Review Sites

The latest handheld racing game for the PSP has already been out in the wild. The firsthand game reviewers along the web had been vocal about the utter crap the game mechanics have.

With a high profile release and possibly a free game for PSP Go owners, it has failed to impress hardcore fans of the series.They have said that the Campaign mode is nowhere to be found and the other game aspects are lacking and unpolished.

Although GT 5 is too much compared to this mobile version, it has also some great Fluid gameplay to boast about. If you have your latest Decrypter with a Custom Firmware, you might be able to drive this Game to your Handheld to know how this really goes.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of the PSP go I can't wait to see what it does out in the wild. All bets are against it (including mine) but we'll see soon enough.


